I had the opportunity to see the opera Madame Butterfly yesterday... written by Puccinni.
I am way into music, and enjoyed it greatly. The sets, the costume, the singing (all made easier to understand by a modern miracle, the supertitle... literally subtitles above the stage, translating the action for you), the last act moved me to tears.
As usual, it's all about lost love in these things... why else would someone inevitably try to kill themselves (and generally succeed) in the last act.
But I was thinking, how would modern times interpret Madame Butterfly without an international incident?
It's about a naval officer getting into a marriage contract with a Japanese girl that is for 999 years, but renewable every month? (Lots of legal issues there already... in this day and age, certainly our little Butterfly would know what a pre-nup was)
Of course they shack up, she gets denounced from her family for renouncing her faith (and going to the Christian faith of her new hubbie), and he leaves shortly before she finds out she is pregnant with his child.
Oh, the next issue... she claims to be 15.
I don't think that that is legal even in Japan these days, do you?
And he's an officer of the United States Navy, I'm smelling courtmartial don't you?
And child support, and lots of other things for this wayward officer Pinkerton. (And WHAT a name! he even sounds like a weenie doesn't he?)
Then Pinkerton returns with his new American wife (BIGAMY!) to reclaim his son...
Of course, when he realizes that Butterfly NEVER abandoned him, or thoughts of their "love" he freaks out and hauls ass. Of course to return as Butterfly does the honorable thing and kills herself... after giving her son over to the new American wife.
Is this a Jerry Springer show or what?
Of course the son would grow up with all of this, and cashing in on it bigtime... from Daddy to Mommy's demise. Probably suing Daddy for mental anguish. (Do you think Naval officers would make enough to cover the legality of all this?) The maid, of course would be writing books, and making guest appearances on talk shows... helping on the new blockbuster hit of "Madame Butterfly's revenge" or something of that nature.
All of her clothing would be up for auction, not to mention the sword that she used to kill herself... EBAY!
Yes, I could see how exciting Madame Butterfly would be now, many years later.