Saturday, June 30, 2007

And my first movie will be scored by...

Zoe Keating. She is an amazing cellist, that accompanies, well, herself.
I heard her tonight at Eyedrum, a local "artist" hangout. She was introduced by the "Ghost Project", who were just a mere prelude to Zoe's genious!
(However, applaud out to the drummer in the Ghost Project, because he was truly having the best time of anyone on the stage, I think his name was Davis something....)
I love my apple computer even more after seeing Zoe, and well, of course, the cello. This is because (as my astute reader pointed out), she used her Mac to record her tracks as she played them, and added them back in later to compliment what she played, as she played. Does that make sense?
Hopefully soon, I will wind down and go to sleep.... work in the am.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Not much to report

I'm amazed at the news reportage in the Atlanta area.
I actually watched a local news station in the last few days.
One of the stories the first day was how when someone stole a pickup truck conveniently attached to boat even more conveniently with the keys inside it at a gas station, they also got the family pet.
The family was on the news begging for the return of their dog (but they couldn't seem to remember how long they had it), nor are they concerned as much about the truck or the boat.
Tonight, a brief storm caused a few lightning touchdowns that sparked some small fires. No one was hurt.
Oddly, they did not report the shooting that occurred overnight that was just blocks away from me.

Online dating

I am not sure why, but I am performing this form of torture currently on myself.
I have been in school so long that I no longer seem to meet new people, and by that, I mean new men. (I am working on an undergrad and do not consider 20 year olds to count! Now, I've met one or two hot grad students... but why are they married already?)
Since it took so long to get over the last one, it took me a while to notice... and there was that guy at the G Love concert that initially seemed promising... until he proved that he was a bit flaky.
I have a few friends that insist that in this day and age, that this is the way to go (internet dating), and it was how my best friend met his current boyfriend... although we won't talk about the website that they met on!
I chose "match" and another site called "engage" that another friend turned me onto. The engage site is lesser known and the idea is that friends can help you look for people.
Match is better known, and has a guarantee of six months or your money back... if you follow the rules. (which of course I am!) It's funny though, they get some of your money, and then on their website they advertise to you, a paying member, other ways that you can pay them to improve your "dating" experience. It's all the same web site and people, but it's better because they can match you "chemically" (which isn't really chemical, just a more thorough questionnaire for you to fill out...).
So far, a lot of winking from me, a few emails back and forth and then they (the guy) seems to disappear into some crevasse that formed in the Atlanta area.
The fun part is reading the profiles, "obviously I would like someone stable(Sorry...No more emotionally unstable women for me, I think I have met my quota!)". I personally do not think that most people realize that they are "unstable", so good luck fella! Perhaps he should do some sort of psychological testing? Oddly though, I think that if this dude found a totally smoking hot babe (with big tits in a tight top (sorry to steal that Smoove!)), she could be schizophrenic, as long as he gets to sleep with her. Am I right?
I am definitely more definite in my search though, I know from my last experience what I am NOT looking for at least!
My search has been slower, but I finally meet someone this week... stay tuned.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Taking me back....

Just Like Heaven

"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream

Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven

Monday, June 04, 2007

Doctors, Geesh!

Why is that doctors make you be early, and if you are late or cancel you must pay....
However, if they are late... you simply wait. (because now you have to pay ahead of time...)
I saw the doctor today at 5:20PM.
My appointment was 3:40PM.
The last 20 minutes were in paper shorts so the doc could have a better look at my knee.
It was chilly.