Overheard on CNN
Well, why didn't the Republicans realize it too if they have been in charge?
Shut up and work it out!
FLOATING: buoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid VELOCITY: rapidity or speed
"This is not a man who sees America as you see America, and as I see America," Palin said. "Our opponent, though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect -- imperfect enough that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country. Americans need to know this. ... I think, OK we gotta get the word out. This is in fairness to the electorate we gotta start telling people what the other side represents."
The Times article she mentioned concluded that Obama and Ayers did not appear to be close.
So... they were not close. So, we are just assuming guilt by association? (I tried this on my sister when I was on the phone with her, J., in kindergarten, you were in the same class as a known terrorist... this must mean that you have terrorist ties! This did not work on her...)
While Palin's logic is stunning, really, do you listen to her? I do agree that America is very imperfect right now and needs some work. McCain seems to think (as does Palin) that this country is fine the way that it is. I have had enough of this "Bush" economy and war that McCain will pick up with and continue on... God forbid if he dies! Then Palin??? the next Cheney, will take the reins. And she doesn't have a clue...