The Rules
Ok here we go, dating philosophies and the "rules" that we hear about...
Don't sleep with him/her on the first date! or not until the 7th date! or not until you have been going out for a month!
Do not call her until the day after the date! Two days after the date! Three days after the date!
If a boy/girl asks you out on a Thursday for a Friday or Saturday, tell him/her that you are busy. Never accept a date offered on the same day it would occur.
Offer to split the bill. The man always pays.
Never cancel plans with friends for a guy.
Don't talk to him/her about other girlfriends. Be open and honest about yourself. Never tell them too much, always keep them guessing. Never be too available or too unavailable. Make him leave one or two messages before you call him back.
Dates should be short and sweet and leave him wanting more.
Know who you are looking for.
It will happen when it is supposed to.
Project an image into the universe of what you want to find, it will be like casting a net.
You'll only find someone when you are at peace/happy with yourself.
I can say that these are true for me~
Don't call too much.
Don't buy me a birthday present when we have been out once.
Don't tell me that I am running away and must not be ready to be in a relationship because I do not want to spend any more time with you when we have been together for six hours already.