Friday, July 30, 2004

I was on my computer, in my bedroom, when I heard a loud thud.
The cats were taking their morning perch on the balcony. It's a favored spot by the kittens, as they get to peruse the neighborhood for bugs and other wayward creatures.
When I went to the balcony, I discovered my smallest, the 8 pounder, who looks like a rat wet, had a bird about her size in her mouth.
"Let it go, drop that!" kept coming out of my mouth to no avail.
Fortunately, the bird was granted freedom, lest some feathers when Picollo tried to leap off the chair to carry her trophy over into the corner.
My hunter!


Blogger Smoove D said...

If the bird is dumb enough to perch on the balcony, it deserves to be eaten.

10:38 AM  

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