I had the oportunity to see my fave, not sure if I have really talked about him before... but his name is Sean, Sean Costello. A lot of my friends lived through the obsession that I have had with this man and his music (or was it just him?), and thankfully, a few of them are still around.
He plays over at Northside Tavern, a dive bar with occasional good music. (oh and that is in ATLANTA, GA)
Unfortunately, this area has been taken over by a new club that I haven't been too, but I liken it to a sort of removed Buckhead or Midtown because tonight... I actually had to PAY to park. I used to be a regular at NST, so I am not even accustomed to paying COVER... it's almost a foreign word to me... yet tonight was different. NOT ONLY did I not find a place to park, so, I actually had to PAY TO PARK, but the bouncer that knows me wasn't at the door and I HAD TO PAY COVER. I was completely offended, but I figure, it probably all works out somehow right?
Sean was there in regular form, I wish that my Mac could publish pixs, because I have 2-10. Ok, I will be the first (not really), to admit that maybe, possibly, I am not entirely over him... but he has one "fine set of pipes" on him according to even my best friends boyfriend... who almost forgave me (not entirely, I believe that he used the term STALKER) for my obsession with Sean. (yes, I think at this point I can call him Sean.)
Anyway, it was a great end to my evening to be able to see him perform for a little while. I even had the opportunity to dance up front with my friend which was fabulous except for the GWH, or to be more specific GWLH.
*GWH Girl with hair
*GWLH Girl with long-ass hair
Unfortunately this girl wanted to share her long hair with the world (including beating my best friend with her hair). Perhaps she had too much to drink or something... but we are both of the opinion that she herself was a devotee of Sean... she knew every lyric to every song.
His new album purportedly will be out October 1st.
I had the oportunity to see my fave, not sure if I have really talked about him before... but his name is Sean, Sean Costello. A lot of my friends lived through the obsession that I have had with this man and his music (or was it just him?), and thankfully, a few of them are still around.
He plays over at Northside Tavern, a dive bar with occasional good music. (oh and that is in ATLANTA, GA)
Unfortunately, this area has been taken over by a new club that I haven't been too, but I liken it to a sort of removed Buckhead or Midtown because tonight... I actually had to PAY to park. I used to be a regular at NST, so I am not even accustomed to paying COVER... it's almost a foreign word to me... yet tonight was different. NOT ONLY did I not find a place to park, so, I actually had to PAY TO PARK, but the bouncer that knows me wasn't at the door and I HAD TO PAY COVER. I was completely offended, but I figure, it probably all works out somehow right?
Sean was there in regular form, I wish that my Mac could publish pixs, because I have 2-10. Ok, I will be the first (not really), to admit that maybe, possibly, I am not entirely over him... but he has one "fine set of pipes" on him according to even my best friends boyfriend... who almost forgave me (not entirely, I believe that he used the term STALKER) for my obsession with Sean. (yes, I think at this point I can call him Sean.)
Anyway, it was a great end to my evening to be able to see him perform for a little while. I even had the opportunity to dance up front with my friend which was fabulous except for the GWH, or to be more specific GWLH.
*GWH Girl with hair
*GWLH Girl with long-ass hair
Unfortunately this girl wanted to share her long hair with the world (including beating my best friend with her hair). Perhaps she had too much to drink or something... but we are both of the opinion that she herself was a devotee of Sean... she knew every lyric to every song.
His new album purportedly will be out October 1st.
>GWLH Girl with long-ass hair
Sounds awful to have so much hair on one's posterior.
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