Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I am climbing to the moon, jumping off to reach floating velocity. When I do everything will be the best, nirvana, heaven. I'll be moving forward and floating at the same time, suspended by momentum that sustains me, holds me in place, in that space.
This energy which literally, physically makes me effervescent also buoys my soul, my spirit.
I am floating above the landscape, looking at the view. It is beautiful here, the sky is so blue, azul, clouds powdery white. Trees lush and green pine dotted with gray brown spiderweb leafless trees of winter. Up, up, up smaller green, smaller spiderweb patterns combining and becoming smaller and smaller patterns of color connected to one another. Up, up, up sky cobalt, beautiful, peace.
I zip, I float, I motor across the sky.
Effortlessly, I go up and down.
Muscles relaxed, tensionless.


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