Friday, January 06, 2006

From Minks to daisy dukes!

I had to actually drive to the aiport last night to swap, get this, a PAPER ticket. Yes, they actually still exist. Well, at least through Orbitz they do...
Scenery at the airport is always interesting, such a wide melange of individuals milling about. And as you can guess by the title I did not only see a young lady on her way to a premature spring break, but an older one bathed in fur. All, after of course, my 20 minute swap of a ticket where the monetary value of my paper ticket was reduced by a wide array of "fees", which probably paid the gentleman that swapped it out, along with the individual at the help desk that had to walk him through the procedure. (Not to mention the huge cut taken by Delta, and British Midatlantic.)
I had only a mildly psyhcotic day at work which is probably what stopped me from getting a ticket for that moment to go somewhere and never return. Although, I am always tempted.


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