Tuesday, April 01, 2008


You never realize how many things that you have accumulated until you move.
And, how much of it do you really need?
I purged before I moved.
I am purging after I moved.
I have quite a collection of stuff.
Remember the comedian XXXXX and his discussion of "stuff".
And how you just keep buying bigger and bigger houses to store all of it?
Now I get it.
I am hoping to have less "stuff" and less to keep track of, to move next time.
I had the pep talk from my friend last night about the "pack rat" scale. Judging from what I had moved to my new apartment, I am still a 7. (And I thought that I had gone to a 5! Silly me!)
But, I am "healed". I now have about 5 boxes to donate, and growing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take one color cat off your hands.

5:38 PM  

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