Tuesday, August 03, 2004


I think I am back into the school mode again, finally, and oddly enough tomorrow is the last day of summer semester.

What a class to start with, Philosophy and Critical Thinking. Oddly, it was supposed to be the "easy" course, the school required one, where the teacher reads the book during the class course... except for of course, MY TEACHER. He is/was the born philosopher, and for him the interesting part of the class is the debate part, and the part were we talk about different philosophers, and write PAPERS on them. OOOOH! AAAHHHHH!

So, I'm thrilled (sort of but not really), however... he did actually awaken the old synapses where I actually had to form THOUGHTS and GOD FORBID! opinions. And I am inspired to continue in my "let's take some college classes and see if I can actually make them into a bachelors degree" process, and I signed up for some more classes.

So, now, everyone (and Roger, you're exempt because I already know how you feel, and thanks for all of your assistance with this last paper, even if you didn't quite agree with my final conclusion!).... how do YOU feel about existentialism?

In short, (if you wanted my opinion), I thought that man needed some sort of value system as a back up. Sartre fights against religion alot, so I made alot of religious reference in my paper... but I think that I am more in tune with the combination of it and virtue ethics. In thinking about this material, I realized that I had been raised Christian, and even if I had abandoned that faith, there was still alot going on in my brain in the background about the "shalt not lie" type of thing... (yes, Roger, another long sentence comma nightmare... but I think that this is just the way my brain actually runs things together... frightening isn't it?)


Blogger Smoove D said...

If no one comments, does that mean we are all nihlists?

9:35 PM  

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