Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Amazing people

In our everyday existence.
In my mundane, yet slightly different from the norm, daily job... I most recently met a gentleman, a hero in fact.
He was a hostage way back in '79-80 in the Iranian hostage crisis.
Oddly, I remember this well, even though I was only about 8 years old.
Imagine if you can, being in front of a firing squad?
Imagine, if you can, being tortured for a month solid?
Or how about being in solitary confinement for years?
Or in a cell handcuffed to another human being?
What kind of person would you be?

Oddly, he reminded me that there are people everwhere, everyday doing incredible things that do not get the credit or recognition that they deserve.
What is the difference between courage and stupidity? (he asked)
Nothing. (he answered.)

What do you think of the war?
We shouldn't have gone to begin with. (he answered)

I like that occasionally I pay attention. It's amazing what you see and hear.


Blogger hunter said...

Funny how we all use the word hero differently. What I call a survivor, somebody else calls a hero. What I call a hero, somebody else calls a submarine sandwich.

In all seriousness, I'm not sure what kind of person that sort of trauma could transform you into. Look at the professor at VT who had survived the Holocaust as a child. When the shooter came to his classroom, he barred the door to protect his kids. Would he have responded the same way had he not been interred at a Nazi concentration camp?

9:33 AM  
Blogger nicky said...

Yeah, he did not even call himself a hero. I did because he was brave and obviously, a survivor, and I wonder if in his shoes if I could have done the things that he did.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking anyone solves the homeless problem in Atlanta would be a hero. And I don't particularly care how they do it.

11:02 PM  

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